Streamlined course evaluations with EvaluationKIT

Streamlined course evaluations with EvaluationKIT

EvaluationKIT is now the system for course evaluations at Texas State. Online end-of-semester course evaluations received a new and improved design in 2020.

There are many advantages to using EvaluationKIT. Most notably, it integrates with Canvas and is mobile-friendly. This creates a better user experience for students and should help drive up response rates. Built-in reporting options are more robust, and reports are easy to access. EvaluationKIT also provides departments the freedom to control their evaluations on a very granular level.

Students can now access their course evaluations one of two ways: through Canvas or a link sent via email. When evaluations launch for a department, students will get a pop-up when they reach the Canvas Dashboard or when they click into the course. It’s important to note that if a student clicks directly into a quiz in Canvas, they will not see a pop-up regarding course evaluations, and they can take their quizzes and exams without interruption.

Faculty and staff can access evaluation reports by clicking the link in their Canvas courses or by visiting the Course Evaluations support page to log in. Department administrators have access to more robust reporting options as well.

We are excited about EvaluationKIT and hope it delivers a better overall experience for students, faculty, and department administrators.

Laura Jones is a trainer in the IT Assistance Center.